
You can't blog this

Zephoria discuss the matter about people asking to don't blog about something. And feels constrained by people asking to avoid talking about a subject, sometimes just during a limited time laps. In the particular case that triggered her post, the matter being a discussion with a reporter, who asked to wait 'till her paper being published.

Zephoria protest : I want the right to control my voice, especially given media's tendency to misquote. Why should i wait to react to their article? Why shouldn't i make it clear what i believe i said right after i said it? It's not like the journalist is only talking to me. My hope is that the journalist is doing synthesis. My role is to provide a particular voice so why can't i make it clear what my voice is ahead of time? (#).

My first reaction was : she's right; free speach, wtf.

But thinking about it leaded to quite different conclusions. It's quite usual that people ask you to conceal information for sometime. It's quite difficult to prepare a surprise party for a friend's birthday if somebody discuss about it with her. In business, confidentiality is often required, to avoid leaks of information which may make a patent application abort, or prevent concurrence about the next big thing to be proposed. And even in weaker, then friendly or professional, social relations the case is common where somebody ask for discretion about something.

The "You ca't speak/write about this" situation is quite common, and most of us accept it as part of what make somebody trustworth. So, why the "You can't blog this should be considered differently?
Is blogging something that doesn't fit within the usual social rules? Or it shouldn't be compliant?

I don't think so.


The family that blogs together….: "

The other day, I was talking with my son about some things some companies are working on online — because I wanted his perspective — and I suddenly realized that I had to give him the blogger’s caveat: ‘You can’t blog this.’ How many fathers and sons share that warning?

(Via BuzzMachine.)

[/edit] [edit]even Google do that; that shouldn't be evil ;-)[/edit]

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